Cotton Water stress Nitrogen IonAbstract
This study aims to examine the nitrogen-water relations of the cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plant, the changes in irrigation and nitrogen doses in the amount of ions (Na+, K+, Ca++ and Cl-) that occur as a result of drought stress.Depending on the application were examined in terms of how the amount of ions to be affected drought stress tolerance.As a result of the examination, the amount of Potassium, (K+) and Sodium (Na+) was found higher than the control, while there was no significant change in the amount of Calcium (Ca++) and Chlorine (Cl-) compared to the control.The increased potassium is accepted as an important indicator.As a result of evaluation, the farmer while application basis, the study suggests suitable N20-I75 and N20-I100-nitrogen of a first water dose or selecting a value between the two doses and fruit period before at least 2 times 10 days apart. However, the nitrogen nutritional status of the plant should be determined before the application of urea, and the dosage and number of applications should be made accordingly.
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