Investigation of Practices and Needs Identification Studies for the Family of Deaf Children
Deaf, Deaf children, Families of deaf childrenAbstract
Hearing loss is seen as a sensory disorder that significantly affects the life of an individual. When individuals with hearing loss are diagnosed as early as infancy and the necessary interventions are applied, there is a possibility of experiencing language and communication problems in the later life of the individual. In this case, the family, which is the structure where the child receives his primary and basic education, is of great importance in terms of supporting and developing the child. For this reason, the need for families of hearing impaired children to be supported and informed in various areas is increasing. The aim of this study is to examine family education programs and needs determination studies for families of hearing impaired children on various topics. For the stated purpose, Google Academic, YÖK National Thesis Center, databases “hearing impaired children”, “families of hearing impaired children”, “family with hearing impaired children”, “mother with hearing impaired child”, “family with hearing impaired child” concepts from PubMed database “hard of hearing”, “deaf”, “children with hearing loss”, “family” concepts, 50 articles were reached by searching for the concepts of “hard of hearing” from the ProQuest database “children with hearing loss”, “children with hearing hardness”, “deaf child” and “family centered” from the networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) database. As a result of the studies reached, it has been concluded that studies for families of hearing impaired children have increased in the last 6 years, that the studies are often prepared for both parents or only mothers, and that the studies for fathers only are very limited. It may be recommended to carry out studies encouraging father participation in the studies for families of children with hearing impairment and to increase studies for fathers by considering the impact of fathers on child education after examining family roles from various social perspectives.
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