A Study to Measure University Students' Attitudes Towards Permaculture
Permaculture, environment, environmental pollution, sustainabilityAbstract
Permaculture sustainability consists of a set of worldviews and methodologies that enable sustainable development through the perception of permaculture concepts and application of its methods. It advocates perceiving nature, imitating natural designs and sharing cultural values. In this study, permaculture awareness of students studying in the landscape architecture department of a university in the Central Anatolia region was examined according to their permaculture course taking status and a general evaluation was made about the effectiveness of permeculture education. This study is important to raise awareness among university students about environmental knowledge, to understand the extent of the danger of environmental pollution and to take precautions against the danger. Descriptive scanning model was used as the scanning model and the survey was conducted by reaching the entire population. The data of the research were obtained using the previously developed attitude scale towards permaculture. In the study, an answer was sought to the question of what precautions should be taken to increase the permaculture awareness of university students in order to take precautions against environmental threats.
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