Alternative Approaches to Antimicrobials
Bacteriophage, Bacteriocin, AMP, Predator BacteriaAbstract
The extensive utilization of antibiotics over the last eighty years has rescued countless lives of individuals, accelerated technological advancement, and annihilated immeasurable quantities of microorganisms, encompassing both harmful and mutually beneficial species. Microbes associated with humans fulfill various vital roles, and we are currently only at the initial stages of comprehending the manners in which antimicrobial agents have restructured their ecological systems and the resulting functional implications of these alterations. Growing evidence indicates that antibiotics impact the performance of the immune system, our resistance to infections, and our ability to digest food. Hence, it is imperative, now more than ever, to reevaluate our antibiotic usage. In this review, we are going to summarize current research on alternative approaches to antibiotics.
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