Computational Analysis of Flow Characteristics of Nozzles with Different Geometries
Nozzle, CFD, turbulence, SprayingAbstract
In this study, five different nozzles which can be used for spraying operations were generated and flow analyses of these nozzles were carried with the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Finite volume analysis software. Flow analyses were carried out for each nozzle geometry and the effect of the nozzle geometry on the velocity of fluid was investigated. It was determined that nozzle geometry influenced the velocity of the fluid. During the analysis processes, three different turbulence models (k-omega, k-epsilon and transition k-kl omega) were selected to investigate the effect of turbulence model on velocity of the fluid. Present analyses revealed that these turbulence model did not have any remarkable effects on the velocity of the fluid but influenced spray distribution area.
Spray Engineering Handbook, CTG SH O7 EU,, PNR Italia srl Via Nenni/Gandini 27058 Voghera (PV) Italia, Accesed: Aug. 5, 20222. [Online]. Available:
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