Azeemi - Surge Power Equation: A Simple Tool for Simulation and Graphical Comparison of Continuous / Surge Advance Rates
Surge irrigation, advance rate, power equation, furrowAbstract
Intermittent water application merits has proven completion of the advanced phase in lesser time in furrows, compared with conventional water application. Power equation was applied to model advance rates during surge irrigation, using two-point technique. A simple procedure was developed by modifying the power equation for simulating later surges advance data from the first surge, by introducing time-reduction factors. The developed equation was further generalized to combine the surge advance rate data, for comparing graphically with the continuous advance rate during an irrigation event. This equation has been named ‘Azeemi-surge Power Equation (ASPE). Extensive and reliable field datas were collected from different field experimental stations and applied to verify the equation and developed procedure. From the results of this experimental study, it was concluded that the surging phenomena substantially increased the water movement in the furrows by causing reduction in the advance time during different irrigation events. Further, the results revealed that the advance data collected during irrigation events and simulated by the modified power equation (MPE) matched closely. It was also noted that the ‘ASPE’ equation helps in developing single advance curve from the surges applied during surge irrigation to compare surges vs.continuous advance rates in irrigated furrows graphically
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