Quantum Chemical Characterization of 4-({4-[Bis(2-Cyanoethyl)Amino]Phenyl}Diazinyl)Benzene Sulfonamide by Ab-Initio Calculation
Density functional theory, UV-Vis absorption, electronic properties, azo dye, chemical shiftsAbstract
4-({4-[Bis(2-cyanoethyl)amino]phenyl}diazinyl)benzene sulfonamide is the azo dye material which has general application in the textile industry. Experimentally, it has been synthesized and geometrically characterized by G. Gervasio et al. In this study, the theoretical analysis has been calculated by using the ab-initio method based on the Density Functional Theory/B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) to characterize the structural, spectroscopy, and electronic properties of the title azo dye. Its molecular geometries are in good agreement with those of available experimental data. 129 vibrational modes have been specified with stretching, in-plane-bending, out-of-plane-bending, and torsion vibration modes by the Potential energy Distribution analysis. The ultraviolet spectra appear in a single peak for six common solvation at 429 nm. The Gauge-Invariant Atomic Orbital approach has been applied to predict the chemical shifts of 1H and 13C NMR only in DMSO solvation. The electronic properties have been investigated such as the energy bandgap (3.34 eV), ionization potential energy (6.24 eV), electron affinity (2.90 eV), electronegativity (4.57 eV), and chemical hardness (1.67 eV) by using the Frontier Molecular Orbital Theory from the energy interaction of the Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital and Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital. The characterization of the title azo dye is conducted theoretically for the first time in this study.
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