Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Scaffolding Structures Produced Using CoCr Alloy by Selective Laser Melting Method
Porous structure, Mechanical Test, Ansys AnalysisAbstract
The type of material used in implant production changes depending on the places of use in the body. CoCr alloy is frequently used in hip implants due to its advantages such as high strength, wear and corrosion resistance. Thanks to the developing additive manufacturing technology, porous hip implants with different densities can be produced. Since the porous hip implants produced have a lower modulus of elasticity, the stresses between the bone and the implant can be reduced, and thus problems such as loosening, fracture and deformation on the implant can be eliminated. The designed scaffolds must support the internal architecture of the newly created cells. For this reason, the scaffolding structures used in the body must maintain the mechanical strength of the bone. The mechanical properties of a bone scaffold, such as elastic modulus, compressive and tensile strength, maximum tensile and flexural modulus, should be such that they can successfully replace bones and hard connective tissues, and should not collapse during use or regular activities of the patient. Therefore, in this study, using different unit cell models, cell density and shape geometry were determined and subjected to compression test. As a result of the tests, it was investigated how the deformation was distributed along the scaffolds, and the results of the changing cell models were compared. As a result of the mechanical tests, different porosity ratios and unit cells were used in the scaffold structures, and the models showed different mechanical properties. Maximum stress in the scaffold models was measured as 247.58 MPa in the Body Diagonalw With Nodes model, while it was 240.7 MPa in the Dode Thick model and 227.19 MPa in the Dode Thin model.
Keywords: Porous structure, Mechanical Test, Ansys Analysis
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