Organic Agriculture, Organic Beekeeping, Honey, RugulationAbstract
Organic farming production; To the extent permitted by the regulation, it is a production in which chemical drugs are used that are friendly to human health and nature, and do not harm the environment and human health; It is a form of production that gives priority to the quality of the product rather than the amount of manufacture, and every stage is checked and certified by control and certification.
Organic Beekeeping, on the other hand, does not apply chemical drugs and artificial nutrition to bees at every stage from production to consumption, It is a production that is carried out on intact natural flora or organic farming areas and is controlled and certified by control certification companies.
Beekeeping; producers with low income, especially in rural areas, both in European countries and in our country and it is an important source of income for producers who do not have land. With this aspect, it adds added value at the micro-level in the rural areas and at the macro level in the country's economy.
The products obtained from bees are faced with the threat of risk factors that negatively affect food safety during the process of taking their place on the market shelves from production. For this reason, the importance of organic beekeeping increases as the aim is to increase the quality of organic beekeeping.
According to the Organic Agriculture Information System (OTBİS) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, in 2019, There are 249 enterprises engaged in organic beekeeping in Turkey. Organic beekeeping, the total number of organic hives is 50.100 and the total organic honey production is 576.76 tons.
Moreover according to the Organic Agriculture Information System of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, in 2019, 159 enterprises engaged in beekeeping in the transition process in Turkey present, it has a total of 21 484 hives in transition.
To increase this potential of our country and to ensure its sustainability, It can be achieved by producing reliable and better quality organic beekeeping products. For this, the production and consumption of organic beekeeping products should be expanded.
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