Adsorption of carbon dioxide on MIL53(Al), CuBTC and K- NaX zeolite
CO2 , adsorption, Ultrasound, NaX zeolite, MOFAbstract
CO2 adsorption on K exchanged NaX zeolites, and metal organic frameworks (MOFs), namely Cu-BTC and MIL53 (Al) was studied at 5 °C and 25 °C. Exchange via ultrasonic and traditional methods, was conducted at 50 °C and 70 °C. The maximum replacement of Na+ ion with K+ ion in the extra framework of zeolite was increased from 76% to 83% with increasing temperature from 50 °C to 70 °C in the ultrasonic method which is more effective than traditional one. Compared with the zeolites, the MOF adsorbents used in this work have higher Langmuir specific surface area values namely 1278, 1473 and about 1000 m2/g for MIL 53, Cu-BTC and zeolite adsorbents respectively. The resulting CO2 isotherms can be well represented by the Toth equation. Comparison of the isosteric heat of adsorption at zero loading shows that CO2 was adsorbed more weakly on MOFs than zeolites.
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