Systematıc Surgıcal Approach To Aortoenterıc Fıstula Case




Aortokolik Fistül, Aksilofemoral Bypass, Greft Enfeksiyonu


Aortoenteric fistula (AEF) is one of the most difficult diagnostic and therapeutic conditions in vascular surgery. AEF can occur primarily in the aorta and gastrointestinal system or more commonly as a secondary to previous aortic reconstructive surgery. In our case, we planned a systemic surgical approach because of the previous ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm that was operated on by us and then the AEF developed.


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How to Cite

TÜYSÜZ, M. E. (2025). Systematıc Surgıcal Approach To Aortoenterıc Fıstula Case. ICONTECH INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 8(2), 58–63.