Design of SRR-Loaded Patch Antenna for 5G Communications and Estimation of Antenna Substrate Materials


  • Duygu Nazan Gençoğlan Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Adana, Türkiye
  • Şule Çolak Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Adana, Türkiye


Anahtar Kelimeler:

antenna design- fifth generation communication systems (5G)- multiple-linear regression- metamaterial- microstrip patch antenna- split ring resonator- sub-6GHz



A microstrip patch antenna loaded with Split Ring Resonator is proposed for 5G Communication systems. The overall dimension of the antenna is 50 mm x 40 mm x 1.6 mm. The designed antenna operates in n77, n78, and n79 bands of the fifth generation (5G) Communication system. The parameters of Return Loss, VSWR, Radiation Pattern and radiation efficiency are investigated in the sub 6 GHz range. The proposed antenna is fabricated and analyzed experimentally to verify the simulation results. Additionally, linear regression analysis is used to determine the relative permittivity of the substrate. Different substrate materials with the thickness of 1.6 mm are selected and the antenna is analyzed with these substrate materials. The dataset consists of the real and imaginary parts of the electric and magnetic field components with respect to the spatial coordinates. Coordinates are -40.625≤x≤40.625, -45.5≤y≤45.5, and -20.325≤z≤21.925. A total of 52780 instances are obtained by changing the substrate material. As a result of the linear regression analysis, the mean absolute error (MAE) is found to be 0.0748 and correlation coefficient to be 0.9758. Thus, the dielectric constant of the substrate material could be estimated by the proposed approach without using numerical or analytical models. In summary, multiple linear regression is a useful tool for designing SRR-loaded patch antennas for 5G communications and estimating antenna substrate materials. It allows for predictive modeling, variable selection, interpretability, and flexibility, which can help to optimize the antenna performance and substrate material selection for various 5G communication applications.


Yazar Biyografisi

Şule Çolak, Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Adana, Türkiye




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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Gençoğlan, D. N., & Çolak, Şule. (2023). Design of SRR-Loaded Patch Antenna for 5G Communications and Estimation of Antenna Substrate Materials. ICONTECH ULUSLARARASI DERGİSİ, 7(2), 16–27.


