Chlorophyll-a, Sea Surface Temperature, Landsat OLI, coccolithophore, Remote SensingAbstract
Current study is investigated chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) pigment concentration and its relationship with Sea Surface Temperature (SST) using cloud-free high resolution 59 Landsat-The Operational Land Imager (OLI) images from May 2013 to September 2018 covering Lake Van of Turkey. In addition, the concentrations of coccolithophore which is a kind of phytoplankton was also studied using the same method.
The fact that Van Lake is extremely rich in terms of aquatic life has led to the investigation of the factors affecting the marine habitat. Therefore, SST, Chl-a concentrations, as well as the relationship between them and coccolithophore concentrations were investigated to evaluate marine life and ecosystem in the Lake. Satellite-generated data can provide information about the marine life in a particular area worldwide. Coccolithophore, SST and Chl-a were obtained from high resolution 59 Landsat OLI using SeaDAS software. Aforementioned parameters were extracted from images using SeaDAS's OCSSW L2GEN module and then output processed by QGIS (Open Source Geographic Information System) to conduct statistical calculation. Negative correlation coefficients of 74% and 73.7% were found for 2014 and 2017, respectively, and these were not statistically significant. Although the information does not give meaningful results, it may be useful in future studies about the effects of global temperature changes and the marine life for particular region.
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