Optimization of the Washing Process After Reactive Dyeing
Sustainability, water consumption, reactive dyeing, rinsing, fastnessAbstract
In addition to climate change, clean water resources are decreasing daily with the increase of industrial pollution. However, the world population, which is expected to increase to 9.3 billion in 2050, will increase the need for clean water. In the textile industry, the highest water consumption is required during wet processing. Specifically, after reactive dyeing of cellulosic-based textile surfaces, repeated washing processes are applied to remove the reactive groups that cannot be covalently attached to the fiber. Performing optimization studies in these washing steps is extremely important to reduce water consumption. In this study, it is aimed to develope an environmentally friendly sustainable washing process that minimizes water consumption by optimizing the repeated washing steps after reactive dyeing. Woven fabric with 53/47% Viscose/Rayon (weft yarn is Ne 281/1 Viscon Ring, warp yarn is 75 denye 24 filament Rayon) content was used in the study. In order to reduce the amount of water consumed in the washing steps after reactive dyeing, 2 washing agents with different ionic loads were used. 24 experiments were designed at 3 temperatures (60, 80 and 90°C), 2 washing agents (A and B) and 4 concentrations (1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 g/L). The color differences of the samples were calculated and their color fastness to washing, water, sweat and rubbing were tested. When the results were evaluated in general, it was seen that the ΔECMC (2:1) values in color difference measurements were below 1, and the fastness results were 4 and above according to Gray Scale. Thus, by reducing the number of washing baths, a washing process that consumes less water and energy has been developed and contributed to the protection of natural resources.
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