3D printer, Additive manufacturing, PLA, Mechanical properties.Abstract
Along with the technological developments, it is an expected situation to discover new developed production methods. Additive manufacturing technologies, such as three-dimensional (3D) printers are one of these methods, allowing direct production of parts with complex geometries that cannot be produced by conventional methods. The most popular and inexpensive method among additive manufacturing technologies is FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) method. This method is particularly interesting for the manufacture of parts with low production volumes.
In this study, a 3D-FDM printer with a print volume of 200x200x210 mm has been designed and manufactured.PLA (polylactic acid) test samples having 2 different infill geometries were produced with the 3D printer. Tensile, three-point bending and charpyimpact tests were applied to these samples to investigate the effect of inner filling geometry on mechanical properties. The inner filling geometries are in the form of grid and gyroid. According to the results, while the geometry with the tensile force is "grid", while the geometry with the maximum bending force is "gyroid".It was concluded that different inner filling geometries do not have a significant impact on Charpy impact strength.
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